
The primary purpose of Waukesha Catholic Home and School is to foster a spirit of Christian unity among our families and staff. We accomplish this goal by hosting Welcome Back Social, Room Parent Coordination, Student Socials, Grandparents Day Hospitality, Staff Appreciation Meals, Catholic School's Week Hospitality, Teacher Appreciation Week and the Walk-A-Thon.

When does Home and School meet? 

Committee chairs and event coordinators meet the second Monday of the month alternating between 9:00 am or 6:00 pm to allow for everyone to attend. Please see the monthly calendar to confirm if it is a morning or afternoon meeting. Everyone is welcome including younger children. See our event list below for a calendar of social activities.

How do I get involved?

Come to a meeting, e-mail us at or talk to another “veteran” parent who is at an event. You may choose how much you’d like to volunteer.

Find event registrations on SignUpGenius.

Why should I get involved?

Meet new friends! Have fun! Make a difference for your child!

Home & School Board Members